Invite someone to Alpha

Jesus is always at work drawing people to himself and He uses people like you to partner with Him in this work. Alpha is a great next step for anyone in their journey toward Jesus and we’d encourage you to pray for and invite them along.

The next Alpha will be running in 2024! More details to come

Praying for Six

We believe in the power of prayer and we also believe that God works through the relationships you have with those you live your life with.
No matter what time of year it is, we encourage you to be praying for people in your life to come to know Jesus.
Below is a handy guide you can put in your Bible or on your fridge to help remind you to pray for opportunities to speak with these people about your faith or invite them along to Alpha.


How to invite someone to Alpha

If you would like to invite someone to Alpha, there are a million ways you could do this.
Carrier pigeon, sky-writing, morse-code...
You could call them, send them a text or drop around to see them.

Here’s one easy, step-by-step way to do it:

Step one: Get praying! Who is in your life that you could invite along?

Step two: Save one or more of the invite images below

Step three: Chat with the person you would like to invite and… invite them! Let them know you’ll follow up with the details

Step four: Follow up by inserting the invitation image in a message and sending it to them


NOTE: Sample Invitations below. These will be updated when the next Alpha dates are announced.


How to save to phone? Touch and hold the image until an option comes up to save the image to your phone.

How to save on a computer? Right click the image and select option to save it to your computer.

Get involved with Alpha

  1. Invite people to come to Alpha (see above)

  2. Pray for Alpha and the people you’ve invited

  3. Financially contribute to support Alpha at Red Church

    Give to Alpha

  4. Enquire about serving in prayer, cooking, or to be a host or helper

    Serve at Alpha

Take me to:

Try Alpha
