

Reading the Word

An eight week study in Biblical literature and literacy

Why learn more about the Bible?

At Red we believe the Bible is the authoritative and trustworthy Word of God in all matters of life, faith and conduct. It is one of the central ways God speaks to His people. It is a book that offers timeless wisdom and communicates the experience of humanity as well as God’s character, heart and vision for the world. 

This course is designed to acquaint or reacquaint you with this powerful text, so that you may find life in its words, encounter God, grow in the likeness of Jesus and recognise your place in its overarching narrative which is yet to be completely fulfilled. 

What will this course focus on?

As you explore and complete this course, our hope is that you:  

  • are familiar with the grand narrative of the Bible 

  • have experienced the power, significance and importance of scripture in your everyday life 

  • are equipped with basic tools to interpret this ancient text and bridge the cultural gap 

  • have begun a regular rhythm of reading the Bible 

  • genuinely encounter Jesus  

  • finish with a hunger to know, understand and continually grow in your love of the scriptures  

How will the course work?

Each week, through different mediums, you will look at a topic about the Bible with a particular outcome in mind. Using the ‘Home’ principle from your Huddle guide to centre yourself and prepare to receive whatever God may want to impart. Then, you will watch or read the teaching for the week, dig into the content, unpacking it via the discussion questions provided. You will finish with an action from the session, asking your huddle to keep you accountable to apply this action and review the next time you meet.